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Unplug the Internet and get into nature

 Written by M Outdoors

Winter nights without internet can be long and thought-provoking. Instead of staring into a computer monitor, people can get cozy with a beloved book. Most people cannot recall a memory of when internet wasn’t so dominant in their lives. The World Wide Web became accessible to the public in August 1991, although most people had no clue on what it actually was.

                               Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

In some ways I wish we could go back when Internet wasn’t around. Although on winter nights like these, we come to realize how convenient it is to order stuff on Amazon, and have it delivered to your front doorstep. I do think though we could benefit from unplugging from the internet, at least for a few hours a day.

Just imagine the activities that you could accomplish without your computer. Serenity and silence in this world of ours is golden, a place for reflection is more important than the latest Tweet or Tiktok trend.

The internet today is a powerhouse of information that people can access straight from their handheld computers a.k.a. their smartphones. Flip phones which are not smartphones are not even available anymore, unless you’re a geriatric and retired. Most phone carriers only have a smartphone option, which a few years ago would’ve been unimaginable.

 If a phone carrier does offer anything other than a smartphone, it usually costs more. Anyways what is point of all this? I will tell you now, disconnecting from technology more often is great for your sanity. Disconnect and go take a hike, literally in a forest. Getting outdoors will be a great escape from the constant urge to be plugged in continuously. 

Truly nature and your persona will thank you in the long run for disconnecting from time to time. Going outdoors on a hike in the woods is like a detox for your body from all your electronics.


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